Connie George
May 7, 20244 min read
Spoil Mom This Mother’s Day with the Perfect Gift: Time- Maybe on a Cruise?
If you're looking for a gift for Mom that goes beyond flowers, a coffee cup, plant, or chocolates; what she really wants is time with you...

Connie George
Apr 26, 20248 min read
My Six Must-Try Ocean and River Cruise Ship Buffets
Cruise buffets offer convenience and culinary diversity. From familiar comfort foods to exotic delicacies, buffets provide .....

Connie George
Mar 28, 20242 min read
Connecting Cultures Over an Old Orange on an Old Soviet Train: An Early Foodie Traveler's Tale
Little did I grasp then that this simple act would mark the beginning of a profound realization—how food transcends boundaries.....

Connie George
Sep 28, 20238 min read
Princess Cruises Announces the Culinary Delights of the New Sun Princess
When Sun Princess starts sailing in February, 2024, she’ll be Princess Cruises' largest and most innovative ship, packed with lots of...

Connie George
Dec 20, 20224 min read
360: An Extraordinary Experience Shared From a Firsthand Encounter
A week before Princess Cruises officially announced what “360: An Extraordinary Experience ” is about last month, I got a chance to try...